make believe

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Katso myös: make-up, meikki, hunajainen


make believe

  1. tekeytyä, teeskennellä, näytellä, sepittää, esittää, olla olevinaan jtak, olla tekevinään, suorittaa pakolliset kuviot.

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teeskennellä puhekieltä To pretend or imagine.

Lets build a fort out of chairs and blankets and make believe we are pirates.''

1927, Oscar Hammerstein II, Show Boat
Only make believe I love you, / Only make believe that you love me. / Others find peace of mind in pretending, / Couldn’t you? / Couldn’t I? / Couldn’t we? / Make believe our lips are blending / In a phantom kiss, or two, or three. / Might as well make believe I love you, / For to tell the truth I do.
The act of pretending that what is imaginary is real.
imaginary; conjured in someone's imagination, especially when imagined by a child


"Let’s make violent sports together."


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lieve, takalieve, suolilieve, hameenlieve

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